(Or: I made an ebook of Spectral, the “concept album but it’s poetry” book I produced, published by Burning Eye Books earlier this year, and I should actually tell people about it...)
All content is almost exactly the same as the paperback (except where I explicitly talk about it being an ebook); the QR codes are interactive links straight from the interface; all the images (yes, including every content warning symbol) have relevant image descriptions; and my accidental test user seems delighted at the functionality (I think she quite liked the poems as well!), so I should probably tell y’all where to get hold of one!
It’ll be out on Kindle, Kobo, Apple Books, B&N, etc. soon, but for now you can order an ePub file direct from Lulu, the distributor, here. (Also I get a bigger chunk of the money, if I’m brutally honest.)
And yes, the audiobook is on its way (audio editing remains my slowest skill).
Okay, I’m going to shuffle away, feeling slightly awkward now, because telling people I’ve made something I’m proud of always does this...